BoD Meeting

Date: 03/18/2008

Time: 7:30 PM – ? PM

Place: Church

Meeting called by: BoD Type of meeting: Open HoA Meeting
Facilitator: Lindsey Sturkie Note taker: Patrick Hedgepath
Timekeeper: Patrick Hedgepath Attendees: Patrick Hedgepath, Randall Mungo, Lindsey Sturkie, Jane Sufka, Members


Agenda item: Meeting called to order
Motion made by:  
Motion second by:  
Action items:
  • Person responsible:  
    Agenda item: Review of the minutes
    Presenter: Patrick Hedgepath
    Discussion: The minutes were presented to the HoA from the last open meeting.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Action items:
  • Person responsible:  
    Agenda item: Treasurers report
    Presenter: Jane Sufka
    Discussion: We had $26,925 in the HoA bank account at the end of Feb. Jane also reviewed our recurring expenses.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Action items:
  • Person responsible:  
    Agenda item: Old Business
    Presenter: Lindsey Sturkie
    Discussion: Lindsey discussed lighting and landscaping. Lindsey also talked about signage for the neighborhood of various kinds. Lindsey spoke of the dying or dead pear tree from the last meeting. As it turns out the tree is not dying it is just not doing as well as the other trees.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Action items:
  • Person responsible:  
    Agenda item: Printing Services
    Presenter: Lindsey Sturkie
    Discussion: Lindsey discussed the mailing service that we were using to send out newsletters and notices and how they had become unreliable. Suggestions were made by the homeowners for new companies to handle this service for the HoA.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Action items:
  • Person responsible:  
    Agenda item: Survey
    Presenter: Lindsey Sturkie
    Discussion: Lindsey discussed the survey that was available on the table at the entrance as people came in. People were encourage to fill these surveys out and send them in.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Action items:
  • Person responsible:  
    Agenda item: Landscaping upgrades
    Presenter: Randall Mungo
    Discussion: Randall made a presentation on landscaping upgrades that could be done to the front entrance and to the common lot to help beatify the neighborhood. The Board met with the HoA landscaping company and the head of our landscaping committee. Randall presented their proposals. Cost for upgrading the front entrance would be $9533.75 Homeowners asked if there would be any additional maintenance cost. Randall answered no. Homeowners asked about a warranty on the shrubs and trees. Randall answered there was a one year warranty and the landscapers were going to get back with us about how long the warranty was on the Palmetto trees. A show of hands was asked for. All homeowners in attendance were in favor of proceeding.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Conclusions: The Board will proceed in having these upgrades done to the community.
    Action items:
  • Person responsible:  
    Agenda item: Common Lot Landscaping
    Presenter: Randall Mungo
    Discussion: Sprinkler system would cost $2993.18 and a well would be approximately $3500. The additional maintenance per year would be $1275 This would include fertilizing and ant killer so that the common lot will look attractive and inviting. The Board is also going to have the underbrush cleaned out from under the trees. Electric will also be added to the vacant lot for homeowners that want to have functions on the vacant lot and would need the power. Mr. Roberts applauded the idea and said it would be a remarkable improvement. Mr. Parsons agreed he would like to see the lot cleaned up and take steps towards making the lot more usable by the community. Mrs. Fortin mentioned establishing some guidelines for the lot if people start using it. A show of hands was requested about proceeding with these plans for the common lot. All homeowners in attendance agreed this should be done.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Conclusions: The Board will proceed in having these upgrades done to the community.
    Action items:
  • Person responsible:  
    Agenda item: Open Floor
    Presenter: Homeowners

    Mrs. Fortin asked about doing something about the cats running loose in the neighborhood. Discussion was had on this topic.

    A homeowner asked if we could get more streetlights on the top back of the neighborhood. The BoD will look in contacting SCE&G about possible adding new lights.

    A homeowner asked about a light that had been vandalized and what could be done about this. Calling SCE&G was mentioned.

    Marvin Parsons asked about adding a new stop sign to Knotts Road.

    Patrick Hedgepath mentioned paying a police officer in his off-time to write tickets.

    Mrs. Fortin mentioned an article in the newsletter mentioning that the Long's pond roads are county roads and thus are subject to county laws.

    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Action items:
  • Person responsible:  
    Agenda item: Weather Conditions
    Presenter: Marvin Parsons
    Discussion: Marvin Parsons did a brief presentation on hazardous weather conditions and actions homeowners can take to remain safe.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Action items:
  • Person responsible:  
    Agenda item: Adjourn the meeting
    Presenter: Lindsey Sturkie
    Motion made by: Betty Fortin - Adjourn the meeting
    Motion second by: Chad Keller
    Action items:
  • Person responsible:  